Privacy policy

Privacy and Data Protection Policy At AOMANI, we are aware of the importance you place on the use we make of your personal or professional contact information and how we manage it. This Privacy and Data Protection Policy aims to help you understand what data we collect, the purpose for which we process it, and our efforts to protect it with adequate guarantees and in compliance with applicable regulations. The personal data you provide through this website located at the URL (hereinafter, the “Website”) will be processed as described in detail below: Who is responsible for processing your data? In accordance with Law 34/2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter, LSSI), Regulation (EU) 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter, GDPR), and Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (hereinafter, LOPDgdd), we inform you that the personal data provided when completing and submitting the forms published on the website will be incorporated into the files that make up the register of activities of the company AOMANI.
What user data will we process?
AOMANI will process the following categories of user data:
• Identifying data: name and surname.
• Personal or professional contact data: postal address, email address, phone number.
• Other data: data provided by the interested parties in the promotion of business relationships and mutual interest. For what purpose and on what legal basis do we process your data?
• Management of contact requests and information received by email and/or web form. Legal basis for processing: Consent or legitimate interest of the data subject (Art. 6.1 a) and f) GDPR).
• Management of the contractual or commercial relationship established between the User and AOMANI, for the execution of the contract that binds the Parties. Legal basis for processing: Execution of a contract or commercial relationship and business (Art. 6.1 b) GDPR).
• Compliance with binding obligations stipulated by law. Legal basis for processing: Compliance with a legal obligation (Art. 6.1 c) GDPR).
• Management of the relationship between the User, as a professional contact and/or representative of a legal entity, and AOMANI, including the sending of commercial communications, news of interest, events, conferences, trade fairs, and other information about services similar to those originally contracted. Legal basis for processing: Legitimate and mutual interest of the Parties (Art. 6.1 f) GDPR).
• Processing of the Newsletter, corporate magazines, and other informative bulletins sent to subscribers. Legal basis for processing: Explicit consent (Art. 6.1 a) GDPR). • Management of job applications and the recruitment and hiring process. Processing of CVs, academic and professional information, and other relevant documentation. Legal basis for processing: Legitimate and mutual interest of the Parties in establishing initial contact and/or a professional relationship (Art. 6.1 f) GDPR).
Who will we disclose your personal data to?

AOMANI will only disclose personal data to:
• Third parties, public bodies, and institutions of the General State Administration, regional and local administrations, including jurisdictional bodies to which it is legally obliged to provide them.
• Collaborating companies and/or partners in order to manage the contractual relationship with you.
• Service providers contractually linked to AOMANI, as data processors, who will process your data strictly following the privacy instructions and with the necessary guarantees for the purposes of the processing. How long will we retain your data? The personal data provided to fulfill the obligations arising from the contractual relationship between the User and AOMANI will be kept for the entire duration of the commercial relationship. Once the commercial relationship ends, the data will be retained for the period of limitation of actions that may arise from the relationship maintained with the User. However, if you have provided your data based on a mutual legitimate interest with the prospect of fostering future business relationships, your data will be kept until you express your desire to revoke such consent. What security measures will be applied to your personal data? The processing of the personal data provided will be carried out by adopting the necessary technical and organizational measures to prevent their loss, misuse, alteration, and unauthorized access, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the data, and the risk analysis carried out. How can you exercise your rights regarding your personal data? To revoke the granted consents and to exercise the rights of access, rectification, erasure, objection, restriction, and portability, as well as the right not to be subject to automated individual decision-making, you can make a written request to the following to the email address The request must include: the name and surname of the interested party; a copy of their National Identity Document, passport, or other valid identification document, and, where applicable, of their representative, as well as documentary proof of representation; address for notifications and specification of the subject of the request. If the interested party considers that the aforementioned rights have not been addressed in accordance with the current legislation, they may submit the corresponding complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency for the protection of their rights.